The biggest reproduction problem is a problem of low ovarian reserve and its complete loss.
Ovarian Activation
People inevitably face this problem with age, although it is not that uncommon even among young people (premature ovarian exhaustion), often after surgical treatment for pelvic problems.The activation takes place outside the human body, in the IVF laboratory, where they remove the natural genetic block from the cells. However, a laparoscopic operation on the patient’s ovaries is an unpleasant but necessary step to extract ovarian tissue, which will be activated later with the use of specialized equipment.
The activated ovarian tissue is put back into the patient’s body, and where it proceeds to develop on its own, producing follicles. After some time, the patient’s periods come back for 1-3 cycles. If during this timeframe the ovarian stimulation is carried out, then the eggs suitable for fertilization can be produced.
Popular IVF programs
Altravita Clinic occupies leading positions in the field of reproductive medicine, the treatment of female and male infertility, cytogenetic and molecular-genetic studies.
Bella, 22 July 2024 г.
She addressed the problem of PCOS and the lack of pregnancy. The doctor listened, examined, questioned in detail, and identified the problem. I am a general practitioner myself, and I was pleasantly surprised by the professionalism. Let's go for IVF!