22 711 pregnancies achieved over 21 years

This innovative technology allows to study the morphology of sperm at the level of microstructures by zooming in them to a level of 18,000 times.

The NASUM method is used in cases where a spermogram is not enough to determine a patient's diagnosis. NASUM has no analogues in establishing the form of teratozoospermia, which gives an additional understanding of the causes of impaired fertilization and the normal development of fertilized eggs.

The unique NASUM method was invented by the AltraVita clinic specialists, which is a clinical branch of the International Medical Center for diagnosis and treatment of male infertility.


Valentina Apryshko

Valentina Apryshko

  • IVF laboratory Director, PhD
Yuliya Maklygina

Yuliya Maklygina

  • Geneticist

Victoria Gnipova

Victoria Gnipova

  • Obstetrician Gynecologist, PhD

Yaroslav Lugovtsov

Yaroslav Lugovtsov

  • Ultrasonographer, MD

Nina Sheina

Nina Sheina

  • Gynecologist obstetrician

Konstantin Kirienko

Konstantin Kirienko

  • Lead Embryologist, PhD

Anton Bolt

Anton Bolt

  • Lead Embryologist

Liudmila Yelicheva

Liudmila Yelicheva

  • Obstetrician Gynecologist, PhD

Zarema Barakhoeva

Zarema Barakhoeva

  • Reproductive Endocrinologist, Gynecologist, MD, PHD

Ekaterina Osina

Ekaterina Osina

  • Reproductive Endocrinologist, Gynecologist, MD

Popular IVF programs

Altravita Clinic occupies leading positions in the field of reproductive medicine, the treatment of female and male infertility, cytogenetic and molecular-genetic studies.



Bella, 22 July 2024 г.

She addressed the problem of PCOS and the lack of pregnancy. The doctor listened, examined, questioned in detail, and identified the problem. I am a general practitioner myself, and I was pleasantly surprised by the professionalism. Let's go for IVF!

AltraVita IVF