22 711 pregnancies achieved over 21 years
Noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT)

NIPT helps to learn a lot about the baby during the first trimester. This is the most progressive way to diagnose chromosomal disorders and other abnormalities, utilized in all developed countries in the world.

The testing analyzes small fragments of DNA that are circulating in a pregnant woman’s blood.

The testing is recommended when:

  • The woman is older than 35 years old;
  • Possible genetic abnormalities suspicions after the ultrasound;
  • The pregnancy achieved with the use of IVF or other VRT 
  • The risk of genetic abnormalities detected during the biochemical screening;
  • Genetic abnormalities detected in other children’s DNA;
  • A history of stillbirth;
  • Premature labor or recurrent miscarriage;
  • Unexplained infertility.

The key advantages of NIPT include its high accuracy and safety. The possibility of diagnostic mistake is only 0.01%. 

For this testing, the mother’s venous blood is used. The blood taking procedure is completely safe for both the baby, and the mother.

One more advantage is that the testing can be performed very early in the pregnancy – in the 9th week. 

Diagnostic capabilities of the testing

The testing can detect the following diseases and abnormalities:

  • Down syndrome;
  • Edwards syndrome;
  • Patau syndrome;
  • Turner syndrome;
  • Klinefelter syndrome;
  • Triple X syndrome;
  • Double Y syndrome.

While analyzing the fetus’ DNA, it is possible to identify its sex.

Even though NIPT is a high-accuracy method of diagnosis, it is, nevertheless, a screening test. Which means that should any abnormalities be detected during the testing, they still must be confirmed by an invasive test, such as fetal karyotyping. 

The testing is not performed:

  • Earlier then the 9th week of pregnancy;
  • If selective (multifetal) reduction has been performed;
  • In cases of multifetal pregnancies with three or more fetuses;
  • When the baby is carried by a surrogate mother;
  • When the pregnancy is achieved by means of IVF with the use of donor oocytes.

If you would like to get more information about this method of diagnosis, please, contact the clinic by phone or via the online inquiry form.


Valentina Apryshko

Valentina Apryshko

  • IVF laboratory Director, PhD
Yuliya Maklygina

Yuliya Maklygina

  • Geneticist

Nina Sheina

Nina Sheina

  • Gynecologist obstetrician

Ekaterina Osina

Ekaterina Osina

  • Reproductive Endocrinologist, Gynecologist, MD

Victoria Gnipova

Victoria Gnipova

  • Obstetrician Gynecologist, PhD

Sergey Yakovenko

Sergey Yakovenko

  • CEO, embryologist, PhD, Associate Professor at Moscow State University, Department of Biophysics.

Zarema Barakhoeva

Zarema Barakhoeva

  • Reproductive Endocrinologist, Gynecologist, MD, PHD

Liudmila Yelicheva

Liudmila Yelicheva

  • Obstetrician Gynecologist, PhD

Yaroslav Lugovtsov

Yaroslav Lugovtsov

  • Ultrasonographer, MD

Timur Khrabrov

Timur Khrabrov

  • Urologist, Andrologist, PhD

Popular IVF programs

Altravita Clinic occupies leading positions in the field of reproductive medicine, the treatment of female and male infertility, cytogenetic and molecular-genetic studies.



Bella, 22 July 2024 г.

She addressed the problem of PCOS and the lack of pregnancy. The doctor listened, examined, questioned in detail, and identified the problem. I am a general practitioner myself, and I was pleasantly surprised by the professionalism. Let's go for IVF!

AltraVita IVF